MLHP branch
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Welcome to MLHP!

To register your account you need to (1) read terms, (2) choose MLHP branch, (3) choose a team, (4) fill registration form.

Step 1 of 4

Terms and conditions:

1. Only one player/account can play from a signle computer. Your team or account can be blocked at admins discretion.

2. You can sign a contract with any team, where there are less then 8 players.

3. You must read regulations of International League Of Hockey Forecasting.

4. You must play at least 3 games to be able to break contract and sign new contract with another team.

5. You can't change team after you sent forecasts for an upcoming game.

6. Your contract can be canceled if you missed 8 in succession.


(C) Лига Хоккей Прогноза, 2024